foto © Musacchio, Pasqualini, Fucilla / MUSA
Sunday 18 February 2024 ore 11:00 - 12:30

MAXXIperTUTTISign, body, spaceItalian Sing Language guided tours

galleria KME
reservation required by writing to
meeting at 11 am at the Museum infopoint

Let us immerse ourselves in the world of Studio Aalto through an Italian Sign Language tour dedicated to the exhibition. Exploring the most iconic designs of organic architecture, let’s explore together the close man-body-nature connection at the basis of the compositional process. Deaf educators lead the visit.

The activities are designed with the participants of the working group on deafness of the MAXXIperTUTTI accessibility project funded by the European Union – Next Generation EU, within the framework of the Ministry of Culture’s call for proposals “Removing physical and cognitive barriers in museums, libraries and archives”.