Sunday 21 April 2019 ore 16:00 - 18:00

MAXXI for families.Mapping the everyday

A fre workshop for families with children of between 5 and 10 on purchase of a entrance ticket for an accompanying adult
5 places reserved for myMAXXI cardholders and their children

A workshop for all the family on the occasion of the exhibition The Street. Where the world is made, to have fun together and learn through art.

What is the stretch of road we cover most frequently during a typical day? What means of transport do we usually use? What buildings do we encounter on our path? What kind of visual, sonic and olfactory stimuli do we encounter and to what intensity? Who do we meet? How do these meetings/collisions come about?

After having explored the exhibition and drawing inspiration from the installations found throughout the museum, each family will develop a personal mapping of the spaces of their everyday lives. We can become truly conscious of our creative potential only by learning to look at and perceive with all our senses the urban landscape in which we are immersed

Reservations are required and may be made by calling 3386419518 from Monday to Friday from 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM or by writing to by 1:00 PM on the previous Friday