Tuesday 16 April 2019 ore 18:00 - 19:30

Lecture by Richard Sennett.Construct and inhabit: ethics for the city

Carlo Scarpa Hall – free entry until full capacity thanks to Enel
10 seats reserved for holders of the myMAXXI card by writing to mymaxxi@fondazionemaxxi.it, by the day before the event

Paris, Barcelona, New York. Richard Sennet guides us through the emblematic places of contemporaneity.

In a planning study that closes the trilogy Homo faber in society, following The Craftsman and Together, Richard Sennett shows how Paris, Barcelona and New York took on their modern form and guides us through the emblematic places of contemporaneity, denouncing the global diffusion of the “closed city”, segregated, regimented and subjected to anti-democratic control.

According to Sennet there is another way of building and inhabiting cities. In the “open city”, residents actively put their differences in play and create a virtuous interaction with urban forms. In order to construct and inhabit this city we need to practice a certain kind of modesty: living as one among many, involved in a world that does not reflect only oneself.

Hou Hanru MAXXI Artistic Director

Richard Sennett sociologist, planner, literary critic

other events of the La Strada. Dove si crea il mondo cycle